
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Artists Paint Cats… What Do Dentists Do?

My wife is a huge cat lover. We went out the other night for an ice cream and she became way too stressed over a stray feral smoky grey kitten for her to enjoy her frozen custard cone adequately. She kept chasing the tiny animal around while her cone was dripping in the hot summer night.

And she positively squeals at books about cats, and just loves the “Why Paint Cats” book in which owners who are artists color their cats to make them look like clowns, fish, snails and other odd creatures.

Yeah, it sounds cruel, but the cats seem to love it. (Or so the book author assures us.)

So what if you are not an artist and what to practice your trade on your cat? What would a dentist do to his cat? Why fit him with gold bling grillz, of course!

Dr. David Steele fitted his pet Persian Cat, Sebastian with gold crowns on its lower canines which were protruding from a bad underbite.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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