
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


India Outlaws Criticism of Islam- Bans Bloggers

India took a huge step backwards in their democratic society. They have ordered their Internet Service Providers to ban access to certain blogging websites that are critical of Islam and its creeping insidious influences on societies around the world.

Banned in India!

Any culture that will kill and maim over editorial cartoons, will ban artwork depicting a 7th century warlord and will treat women as cattle should not be allowed to set the standard for speech and expression in a free society.

Here’s to hoping that the people of India will cry out over this censorship.

For full details, you must read this excellent article at the Jawa Report, which is currently on the banned list of India.

An excerpt:

Sadly, there is not a single country in the world where Muslims are a majority that criticisms of Islam are legally tolerated. While Muslims proudly proclaim that they ‘tolerate’ Chrisianity, they do not mean tolerance in the Western sense. They may ‘tolerate’ Chrisitians worshipping in their own churches, but the minute that a Christian steps out in public he is unable to accomplish the ‘Great Commission’ of trying to convert the non-believer into a believer.

Some ‘moderate’ Muslim countries allow Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians to be converted to whichever religion that they may choose. But once a Muslim, always a Muslim. It is forbidden for any missionary of any faith to try to convert a Muslim.

Islam is a one-way street.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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