
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Importance of Dissent

There is a great article in the Denver Post today that says that Global Warming is likely just a bunch of hooey. I have been saying it here for a while that those scientists and scholars that disagree with the eco-religionists on this issue are branded as traitors, fascists and worse. But it seems that the idea that it is okay to publicly disagree on the issue is finally catching on.

An excerpt from David Harsanyi at DenPo:

You’ll often hear the left lecture about the importance of dissent in a free society.

Why not give it a whirl?

Start by challenging global warming hysteria next time you’re at a LoDo cocktail party and see what happens.

So next time you’re with some progressive friends, dissent. Tell ’em you’re not sold on this global warming stuff.

Back away slowly. You’ll probably be called a fascist.

Don’t worry, you’re not. A true fascist is anyone who wants to take away my air conditioning or force me to ride a bike.

Which in many ways, is really the goal of eco-religionists. They want every man to be at one with nature, living on a farm somewhere, probably a communal farm in which the government gets a generous cut of everything grown. There will be no more livestock, as meat eating is a sin, and animals produce far too much methane and other environmentally unfriendly things. There will be no more motorized transportation for the common man, and no more corporate greed and excess such as fast food, shopping malls and anywhere else that needs to be air-conditioned.

Sorry, I like my food to be sanitary, my home cool in the summer, and I love to drive my gas-guzzling SSR with the top down. Loving those things is not a sin to any god, anywhere. But in an eco-religionist’s world, such views would earn me hard labor in a beet patch.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Importance of Dissent

  • Bhattacharya

    Temperature changes have happened over time-is it caused by greenhouse gas pollution or is it natural which have happened over time is unknown. But whether or not greenhouse gases cause global warming, there is something people can agree on-getting rid of pollution is a good thing. How can we get cleaner energy? We must use nuclear power, hydroelectric dams, geothermal and in some cases use renewables. We must reduce our use of natural gas and coal and save these fossil fuels.

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