
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


What Gore Calls Pollution, We Call Life

Two great commercials are airing in major cities to refute global warming alarmists and eco-religionists who call for reductions on the use of energy because it supposedly will lead to a global catastrophe.

Its funny, but Pat Robertson today said that God told him that a tsunami will hit the United States. Eco-Religionists like Al Gore have also predicted an apocolyptic future. What is the difference?

Click the Pictures to see the commercials.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “What Gore Calls Pollution, We Call Life

  • Bhattacharya

    I am not a climatologist but have a friend who studied climatology and what I learned is by talking to him. I do not know if global warming is caused or not caused by human activity. My climatologist friend does not deny possibility that greenhouse gases raise temperatures but he also says that it could also be a natural event. He told me in 2006 that when the media discusses global warming, they tend to focus more on possibility that global warming is caused by human activity while not focusing as much on other possibilities. Earth’s temperature (be it Ice Age) has fluctuated throughout time-there have been hotter and colder times. During 1970s, many climatologists said that world was going into another ice age but since late 1980s they have been saying global warming. Certain things we know are not the result of greenhouse gases, We know that the Earth’s magnetic field has moved north, so there has been natural increase in temperature. But that does not deny possibility that greenhouse gases also increased global temperatures & it’s possible temperature change would be less if we did not have greenhouse gas emissions.

    As I have said, whether or not man made global warming is happening, we are better off w/o pollution. We must build cars with better mileage and use cleaner fuels. Smart energy policy requires we use nuclear/atomic energy, hydroelectric and geothermal prudently. The main thing here is that we must save fossil fuels such as limiting natural gas to fuel cars and reduce coal usage. That’s why we must use nuclear/atomic power, geothermal and hydroelectric dams combined. All the energy sources including geothermal have their advantages and disadvantages. That is why we have environmental impact studies before a hydroelectric dam, nuclear powerplant, etc. is built and the engineers, physicists build according to this. When science advances that we can have cars which do not run on fossil fuels, then that is good.

    I am not an expert on global warming and yes, it is possible that greenhouse gases raise Earth’s temperature by adding to natural changes that have already happened. Yes, it is true that the oil industry hires those who deny man made global warming and who deny the dangers of greenhouse gases. But to me, the main thing again is that cleaning pollution is a good thing whether or not global warming is caused by greenhouse gases. Again, I am not a climatologist and my answer again is I do not know conclusively 1 way or other but believe that the right thing to do is clean pollution.

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